I JuJu do you???

Ok Laides, Listen up, its time we had a chat about a topic that none of us really enjoy… thats right, our periods, mensuration, monthlys, moon bleed etc,  you get my drift… So lets talk about what we use? Have you ever heard of let alone used a menstral...

The Rebel is Rising!!!

So last week I was telling you about the 3yr old me who was chucking a big tanty… this week it’s my little Rebel! I’m not quite sure if she is 6 or 16 as she has spunk, but thinks she knows best so could go either way… 😉 FYI I did loose quite a...

This is Bullsh##….

Yep you heard it, some days you just want to call it like it is and chuck a little emotional tanty! So I’ve been wanting to give you an update for a while now, not only has life been busy, but I really wanted to brag about some huge weight loss…. this has...