Firstly let me start by saying I NEVER thought this would be my first blog post!!!! Why’s that, well for a long time now I have been very anti-diet & vocal in saying so! So let me explain… lets go back a few years…

Like a lot of women I yoyo dieted for years. It was unsuccessful & created some serious issues with food! When at 32 I finally got my act together, lost over 20kgs, healed my body, gained energy & clarity and created a healthy relationship with food, it wasn’t a diet that worked or exercise for that matter. It was a shift in mindset & cutting out the foods that I found caused inflammation in my body. My health improved remarkably & my weight was stable for the first time.. this lasted several years.

So what changed???? Good question! About 2 years ago, I had what I thought at the time a small emotional incident.  Emotions & issues I thought I had delt with years ago, were all of a sudden brought back to the surface & left me feeling raw & wounded – looking back it rocked me far deeper than I realised. It has been a slow decline from there, I allowed foods to slip back in – after all everyone is saying ‘everything in moderation’ or ‘its all about balance’ well I call BS…. balance or moderation does not work for me… those small amounts of inflammatory foods just cause imbalance in my body & gradual weight gain….

Lets fast forward slightly – I thought I would give a vegetarian diet ago… it was easier than I expected, however I didn’t notice any improvement in my health, energy or weight… I will talk more about that in an upcoming post… then I thought I better join the gym & while I loved the feeling of getting strong, my body did not respond well. Initially the inflammation caused massive pain in my joints, I gained muscle nicely (I always have been able to) but I never lost any weight (yes I know muscle weighs more that fat) nor did I get smaller or loose any fat…. now my appetite is somewhat out of control & I feel like my body is AMAZING at storing fat!!!

Sometimes it is about the weight…. lets be honest… not the numbers as such, but when I am heavy, I feel really uncomfortable in my own skin. This effects my life in so many ways, confidence, energy, romance, business, social life… Yes I am still working my way through the emotional stuff & know that it will be ongoing. Now I really feel its time to do a reset – to focus on my body, bring it back into balance & most importantly remind myself of what food suit me & which ones don’t. I love the science experiment that is my body.

So after a month or so of reading & researching & preparing – today I embark on the 4 Phase Fat Lost Protocol. This is a protocol from the 50s that has been revised by Cyndi O’Meara – more information on that her website . Cyndi was telling me about this protocol about 5 years ago when we were at the IIN conference, & I remember thinking ‘that is too full on for me, I’ll never do it!’ Well I have discovered I should never say never – eventually my curiosity gets the better of me & I’ll give it a go.

4 Phase Fat Loss Protocol
This is a calorie restriction program, but with supportive HGC Homeopathic drops, supplements, a food guide & massive amount of support & guidance. There is no way I would embark on this without the support of Cyndi & her team as they have put together a wonderful platform, so far all of my questions have been answered & I have found recipes & resources I need.
This is a really basic explanation of the protocol, for more information head to the website.
Phase 1 – Healthy fat loading.
Phase 2 – Diet restriction.
Phase 3 – Eliminating the drops
Phase 4 – Reintroducing food groups.

So I am embarking on this protocol well prepared and in a healthy state of mind – I have reasonable expectations of my body & I’m really excited to see how it responds & what I learn especially in Phase 4.

Feel free to follow my journey as I share it with you.

Alicen xxx